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Together Towards Recovery: How a Year of Distance Has Brought Us Closer to the Needs of Patients

With more than 20 years of experience in caring for people living with epilepsy, our goal has always been to know and understand, better than anyone, the day-to-day experiences of people living with the disease. Over the past year, this has been especially true. During the pandemic, stress and anxiety have certainly taken a physical and emotional toll on everyone, but especially those living with severe diseases like epilepsy. Despite the physical distance and separation over the past year, the pandemic has helped us reimagine how we might better connect with patients in the future and has reinvigorated our commitment to their overall emotional and physical well-being.

As we begin to take the necessary steps toward recovery, we want to recognize the ways in which this year of distance has brought us even closer to our core commitment of understanding all aspects of living with a neurological disease. It has given us a clearer awareness of what patients need and value, allowing us to develop solutions that provide them with the necessary physical and emotional support critical to managing chronic conditions. Today, in this new phase of healing, we are moving forward even more dedicated to improving the lived experiences of patients not only though treatments, but through compelling action. This week, during the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) virtual meeting, we have the opportunity to share our latest data and treatment advancements, and more importantly, to discuss the lessons we have learned that will help us continue to meet patients where they are along their healthcare journey to transform the future of care.

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